Music producer Warden Releases the Beast with New Song ‘Together Forever’

“Your former lover returns to seek revenge for a past you want to forget. She will never let you forget. You will be stuck with her together, forever.” as described by LA based producer, Warden himself in the synopsis for his new track ‘Together Forever’, released through the Pinnacle Collective on 26 February. 

Built to get your heart pounding with adrenaline, the track is thick with percussion that almost threatens to punch a hole right through your chest. It’s intense to say the least. All the while, the taunting voice of this vixen of a women reminds you that really, there’s nowhere to run. Reminds me of the legend of Lilith if you ask me and maybe fitting so as the track in question ‘Together Forever’ is demonic in nature, in the best possible way of course.

Have a listen to ‘Together Forever’ here.


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