Q&A with feel-good dance music producer Goodzie

Image credit: Goodzie

After the many hardships that 2020 offered many, DJ and music producer Goodzie said farewell with his latest single ‘Goodbye’. Blurring genre boundaries, Goodzie provides uplifting dance anthems to kick the blues to the curb. He has made a great impression with his feel-good dance fusions, with additional support from the likes of BBC Introducing, BCFM, and Artefaktor Radio.

We chatted with none other than music producer – Goodzie below.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

Uplifting, Melodic, Dance, Electronica.

How does a song come together for you? What is the songwriting process?

When it comes to inspiration I wouldn’t say I have a process for every track I produce, as sometimes it’s inspired by an idea and an event or some sort of theme. Other times it’s a case of making a certain sound, chord, or drum loop and then the story of the track comes in later down the line. For production, I tend to start by making a drum loop first, maybe around 8 bars and then 16 with some variation and additional percussive sounds. With that, I would start playing around with some synth sounds getting them recorded, and slowly begin layering up various instruments until it starts to sound like it’s too much. 

That group of drums and instruments is pretty much how I start, then it’s a case of constructing the track, adding combinations of the layered group, building intros, alternative melodies, and softer parts. But it’s all built around that initial idea. I’m an instrumentation guy at heart. So when it comes down to lyrics and vocals I might start thinking about them during that first layered group but wouldn’t really record anything properly until the song structure starts taking more of a final form. Just find it easier that way. 

Then it’s just the classic notepad and pen getting any lyric ideas down. Something I have found quite interesting recently is with some lyrics recorded in the traditional sense on top of the track, I would take those and put them into a sampler and go a bit crazy! Playing different word combos, chopping them up, and playing them back onto the track. It adds a different outlook to what was recorded and can sound pretty cool. It makes no sense I know, trying to mess up your perfect vocals but I do find it quite fun and can unlock some new creative ideas.

What was the first album/CD you ever bought?

Avril Lavigne – Let Go, an absolute banger.

What album do you know every word to?

That’s a hard one as I am pretty bad with remembering lyrics. But I used to have Wolfmother (2005) on repeat as a kid.

Share some advice for other bands/artists creating original music?

I think I would say first and foremost is to have fun with it. It’s quite easy to lose track of why you got into music in the first place, especially if you’re trying to turn it into something more serious, to get signed or play that dream gig. It takes time and time goes faster when you enjoy doing what you’re doing. Something I have found useful is getting clued up on the music business, it was a real eye-opener to how it all works from royalties to managers and merch. It can help align goals and maybe even direct songwriting decisions. Other than that, I would say stay original, find your sound, and try to get out and about as much as possible. It’s easy to get caught up with online numbers, likes, and play counts. The real magic is out there, playing gigs and meeting people. Obviously, that’s quite difficult now.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

It was my first proper live set as a house act at an Electronic Music Open Mic night in Bristol. I hadn’t gigged for a few years and remember being the most nervous I have ever been! It was a new style of music, a new way of performing it, my first time playing live synth in front of anybody. Just a small gig of about 30 people in the crowd but hearing the cheer at the end and all that prep coming into effect was definitely a big moment for me. Then getting the chance to chat with all the other artists and people there made it all worthwhile.

If you could create your own radio show, what kind of music would you feature and why?

Probably Indie Electronica as the genre. Mainly because it’s part rock, part synth music. I find it quite interesting how the two marry up having electronic computer-based instruments with more traditional guitars and drums. I would play stuff like Jack Garratt, SG Lewis, Massive Attack, and Ratatat. That sort of thing.

Tell us about your upcoming releases?

Back in December, I released my latest track ‘Goodbye’, it is a tune that was inspired by the act of moving onto something better, something which I wanted to express and record in music. Currently, I am working on a remix for the Belgian DJ and producer, Merdan Taplak. He is making an electronic album of oriental influence, it’s a very interesting project which I can’t wait to see out there. Other than that I will likely release a new single in the coming months.

One last nugget of info you can’t wait to share with your fans?

A goal of mine for 2021 is to make some new Goodzie merch! So stay on the lookout for that. Also, I am hoping to get back into performing some shows once everything starts opening up again. If you are in and around Bristol and I am playing, come and say hi!

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