Q&A with badass, fiery pop singer Mia Mormino

Image: Marina Borovikova

Gripping Billboard’s attention with her hit ‘WTF Is Going On’ back in 2019, Mia Mormino has racked up a more than decent following since then. Tackling issues such as self-love and body dysmorphia in her artistry,her single ‘Little Girl’ has inspired many with a view count of 5.2 million on Youtube says it all. Bold, and confessional pop makes Mia Mormino an act with many layers, and we could not be happier that a songstress is uplifting her audience for the better. Now, the songstress returns with the new single ‘Mile High Romance’. 

We chat with empowering songstress Mia Mormino below.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

Empowering, bold, soul-bearing, and raw.

How does a song come together for you? What is the songwriting process?

For me, how I write my music changes with every song. It really depends on what type of piece I’m creating and who or what it’s about. For example, I wrote my single, ‘Games’, while  I was washing my hair in the shower (and yes, once I wrote too much for my brain to remember, I ran out full of suds to record my progress in voice memos). On the opposing side, if I hear a beat I like in the studio, I will write to it right then and there. I’ve written songs while folding towels and restocking the fridge at my old job, driving, crying, on the plane…the list goes on. I don’t give myself any harsh restraints when it comes to creating art from my heart. Along those lines, I never force words and melodies when they don’t want to come out.  The best songs come naturally and when you least expect them.

What was the first album/CD you ever bought?

The first CD I ever bought was The Fame Monster by Lady Gaga. She was the first artist who sparked my passion for music, so I flipped out when I was eight and saw the album in Target.

What album do you know every word to?

There are so many, but I’d say the album  I could recite every single line to is Lemonade by Beyoncé. Every song on that project blew my mind when I listened to it for the first time, and the more I experience life’s unexpected curve-balls, the more I  relate to the album.

Share some advice for other bands/artists creating original music?

The best advice I could give other artists is to Trust. The. Process. Remember, it’s about the journey, not the end result. It’s so easy to get caught up in other people’s progress and numbers and “clout,” but reminding yourself every single day that everything happens for a reason is so important. Your time will come even if it feels like the opposite. You have to believe in yourself because if you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to. Trust me; I struggle immensely with following my advice, so I know from first-hand experience this is all way easier said than done. But I believe in you!

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

Wow. That is an excellent question. The most memorable response I’ve had to my music is when a young girl commented on my song, ‘Little  Girl’. They said, “I was just diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), and I really feel this song spoke to me. Right now, I’m having a mental breakdown, and all I want to do is listen to this because everything I want to say is in this song”. It breaks my heart, knowing she was having a mental breakdown, but the fact that something I created helped her push through it is literally why I do what I  do.  Helping others feel less alone while going through the highs, but especially the lows, of life is what I’m all about.

If you could create your own radio show, what kind of music would you feature and why?

That would be so fun, omg! If I had my own radio show, I would feature everything from classical to alternative rock to bad b*tch pop anthems to the most lyrically intellectual rap songs I know. The common theme would be that they all make me feel alive inside…corny, I know, but it’s true. There is so much beauty in pretty much every music genre, so my show would feature the songs that stick out to me, which hopefully would stick out to my listeners!

One last nugget of info you can’t wait to share with your fans?

Buckle your seatbelts because the first single of the year will take you along a very spicy, very sensual tale (hint hint).

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