Psychedelic band Jamila & The Other Heroes mock injustices in the border patrol system

Looking for a liberating audio experience that does not compromise on being funky as hell?  Band Jamila & The Other Heroes is the answer to your prayers. Their latest single ‘BORDER SYNDROME حلام بلا حدود via Springstoff / slowtrane explores the daily injustices and discrimination within the border patrol system across the world. Their latest video re-creates a typical experience that singer Jamila Al-Jousef has endured as she has travelled. The border patrol officer face is decorated to look like a clownish mime that just does as they please without thinking about their actions.

Stream /Download: ‘BORDER SYNDROME احلام بلا حدود’ 

Jamila Al-Jousef commented on her expereince with border patrol officers in the past and present with Sound Lab: “In ‘BORDER SYNDROME احلام بلا حدود’  I sing: “I park my dignity with the waves of the Red Sea, while they strip search my soul and interrogate my extrovert me.” This means I feel like I have to put my dignity in the safe arms of the sea, so that the interrogators cannot take it away from me with their humiliating practices like looking through private photos, asking me intimate questions, etc. After the long wait and interrogation procedure, I get out of it and this is what the next lyrics relate to: “Hours later I find my dignity in the sound of the sea”. This means I didn’t want to give the border patrols my dignity, so I parked it safely with the sea until the procedure is done. I pick it up from the sea afterwards. The sound of the sea is so calming for me, so homely. I feel safe when I am in it.”

This release along with the rest of the band’s music celebrates the diversity between cultures, but also speaks out about the daily practices that the innocent traveller has to get accustomed to within the border patrol system. These acts are actually subtly criminal if you ask us, but we will leave you to converse your views with your friends and family after you watch this dynamic video experience. 

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