Q&A with passionate neo-soul singer LHĒON

Image credit: Gary Robertson

With her EP Full Disclosure Pt. II in the works, singer-songwriter and enigmatic performer LHĒON left us wanting more after sharing the music video ‘I Hate The Way That I Love You’. The Swedish born musician currently resides in Melbourne and is inspired by the emotional qualities of soul music. Her music explores heartbreak and family issues amidst a pandemic, and her soaring and soothing neo-soul vocals soften the lyrical intensity. The result is heartfelt and smooth eclectic soul music with a lot of heart.

We chatted with neo-soul vocalist LHĒON and discovered she is just as delightful as her sweet vocals.

Please describe your sound for us.

I make soul music, with an alt-pop/electronic twist. Someone once described me as the love child of Adele and Joss Stone ahaha.

How did it all start for you?

A very long time ago hahaha…Before I knew it myself I think. I always hummed along and sang whenever I got the chance. My parents noticed and got me on to getting singing lessons when I was 10. It was like finding a home, something that was missing, that just clicked for me. And that’s when music became my driving force.

Which three artists would you say made you want to create your own music?

Lauryn Hill, Joss Stone and Amy Winehouse. They all have and had something to say, real stories that were tangible and relatable. Delivered with so much soul and sincerity.

What is your go-to gear/equipment when creating?

It always starts with my voice. Surprising I know hahaha… But it’s a melody line or a word that pops into my head and I sing it out, let my voice take me where it flows naturally to the next part…And if I feel I have something interesting that makes me think “hang on…”, I go to my laptop and try to map out sounds and chords around it in Logic. Or I bring it to my producer and we shape the core idea on the Steinway, which is always a great push and pull of trialling different pathways. Until we feel where it naturally wants to go. Sometimes that happens effortlessly and quickly, sometimes it takes more effort.

What are some of your key influences in your music? Whether it be the sound created by others, imagery, films or any kind of art form.

I mostly write from my own life experience, and the experiences lived by those close to me. I find that that is what resonates with me and is naturally going to resonate with others – your real life. I also love cinema, movies are a great escape for me. The transportation into someone else’s life. I find it so incredibly fascinating, when it’s done well, how the actors are able to so flawlessly become someone else and make you believe, make you invested in their story. I also find myself mesmerised and inspired when it rains or when I’m in the shower. Perhaps because it deafens out the mundane/everyday thoughts and brings me back to that exact moment that is happening then and there.

Any new or upcoming artists on your radar?

Joy Crookes, a brilliant UK singer and songwriter. She has an effortless and graceful vibe about her, and her songs are divine. Definitely recommend you to check her out. She has that old school jazzy/neo-soul vibe with a fresh zest sprinkled on top.

What single night out has been the most memorable for you? As a performer? As an attendee?

As an attendee – I saw Beth Hart live when I was visiting my hometown Stockholm a couple of years ago. I went with my father. It was an absolutely breathtaking and truly inspiring evening. Beth has one of those incredibly strong voices that barely need a microphone to be heard. It is so rich and the emotions she lets loose when she sings – out of this world. She had the audience right in her hand and everyone was completely floored by her presence and delivery of her songs and the way she so naturally shared her stories. It made me want to do the same.

As a performer – I would have to say my most memorable night out/gigging would be my EP launch earlier this year. It had been nearly three years after I first started working on it, and the accomplishment of launching it properly, playing all of the songs live with my band…The feeling of launching it into the world and “setting it free” sort of was a huge moment for me. I will cherish that night forever.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

I’m currently working on my first album, in the midst of a covid lockdown…Which is an interesting time to be creating. Inspiration flows a bit differently when your life is affected in such a way. I can’t wait until I can properly get to the studio and develop the songs more. Stay tuned.

Famous last words?

Don’t take tomorrow for granted. Do that thing you wanna do today.

I Hate The Way That I Love You’ features on the Spotify playlist POP_GRØUND

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